Servicios de relación con medios y creación de contenidos

Personalized Outreach Strategies

Desarrollamos estrategias de comunicación que van más allá de los comunicados de prensa estándar. Personalizamos el enfoque para cada medio, asegurándonos de que tu mensaje resuene con las audiencias correctas.

Building Lasting Relationships

We establish and maintain strong relationships with journalists, editors and producers. This network of contacts allows us to place your stories effectively and take advantage of unique coverage opportunities.

Media Content Creation

From content tailored to press releases, op-eds and exclusive interviews, we create the type of content media outlets want to share. This proactive approach guarantees positive and valuable coverage. We also develop branded content adapted to different formats to achieve as native a look as possible.

Monitoring and Continuous Adaptation

We constantly monitor media trends and adjust our strategies accordingly. Adaptability is key in an ever-changing media environment, and we ensure your brand is always at the forefront.

Spokesperson training and visibility plan

We offer customized training programs for spokespersons to communicate effectively in interviews and events. Additionally, we create strategies to highlight them as experts in their fields, ensuring they have a presence in the media, social networks and key events.

Benefits of Our Approach

Cobertura Estratégica: We strategically place your stories in the most relevant media for your industry, maximizing the visibility and credibility of your brand.

Reputación Reforzada: By building authentic relationships with the media, you not only gain coverage, but you also strengthen the reputation of your brand and spokespeople over time.

Impacto Medible: Our results-oriented approach translates into measurable impact in terms of reach, ad value and engagement.

Servicios de Creación de Contenidos de marketing

Para conseguir tus objetivos de comunicación en España y Latinoamerica, no se trata solo de localizar contenidos corporativos; se trata de crear una estrategia de contenido desde cero y producir contenido convincente. En Blackdog, destacamos en el desarrollo de estrategias de contenido y producción de contenido que resuenan con tu público objetivo en los mercados de habla hispana. 


Why choose Blackdog for your Content Strategy and Content Production needs? 

  • Comprensión Profunda de los Mercados de Habla Hispana: Nuestro equipo de copy writers y diseñadores comprende las complejidades del mundo de habla hispana. Creamos estrategias de contenido que van más allá de la traducción, asegurando que se alineen con la cultura local.

  • Estrategias de Contenido a Medida: We collaborate closely with your marketing teams to create content strategies that consider tone, idiomatic expressions and culturally relevant references, effectively connecting with your Spanish-speaking audience. 

Comprehensive Content Services

Nuestros servicios incluyen:

Estrategia de Contenido del Sitio Web: We develop content strategies that not only translate, but also culturally adapt to your website, ensuring maximum engagement and conversion rates.  

Estrategia de Contenido de Blogs: Engage your audience with blog posts designed specifically for Spanish-speaking markets, aligning with their interests and preferences.  

Materiales de marketing: Creamos materiales de marketing como catálogos o presentaciones comerciales que se adaptan a las necesidades de tus mercados objetivos. 

Contenido para Campañas Digitales: Desarrollamos contenido para campañas digitales, como emailings y landing pages para maximizar el impacto de tus estrategias de marketing. 
